Caron, D. A., Dennett, M. R., Gobler, C. J., Lonsdale, D. J., McLean, T. I., Moran, D. M., . . . Schaffner, R. A. Development and application of a monoclonal-antibody technique for counting aureococcus anophagefferens, an alga causing recurrent brown tides in the Mid-Atlantic United States.
Styl cytowania ChicagoCaron, David A., Mark R. Dennett, Christopher J. Gobler, Darcy J. Lonsdale, Tim I. McLean, Dawn M. Moran, Robert Nuzzi, i Rebecca A. Schaffner. Development and Application of a Monoclonal-antibody Technique for Counting Aureococcus Anophagefferens, an Alga Causing Recurrent Brown Tides in the Mid-Atlantic United States.
Styl cytowania MLACaron, David A., et al. Development and Application of a Monoclonal-antibody Technique for Counting Aureococcus Anophagefferens, an Alga Causing Recurrent Brown Tides in the Mid-Atlantic United States.